Saturday, 13 February 2010


今早在麦当劳吃早餐,见到一个中年妇人。她穿着整齐,皮肤深褐色,分不清是华族还是马来族。她独自一人,买了个土豆饼,坐在我正对面的桌子,边吃边喃喃自语,接着眼泪流了下来。。。 坐在她旁边座位的人都没有察觉到。


Monday, 1 February 2010

Irritating people...

Some people are just so irritating! They want to be atas n demanding, yet they don't want to pay. Instead, they go to small HDB shops then start picking on every little thing and demand for this and that.

No confidence? Doubtful? Then go to the big guys and pay for confidence and service lor. Cant stand such people. Sigh...