Heard someone shout "get him out! get him out!" and another went "call the ambulance!" A black BMW had lost control and crashed right into the walls outside a bungalow along Elias Road!The impact was so great it left the thick wall and pillar badly cracked and big pieces of concrete flew onto the road. The bonnet and engine was totally smashed! You could see the badly mangled bumper, the headlights, side mirror, and even the wiper water container were all strewn across the road!

Thank God, the driver was alone and not badly trapped. a few samaritans forced the doors open and got him out of the driver seat. He only had some abrasions and slight cuts caused by the broken glass and concrete bits. But he looked obviously shakened and in shock! A nice lady few doors away came quickly with a cup of water and some tissue for him, while others comforting him and helped him inform his family.
While we were there, we heard from another driver who've stopped to help that the BMW was going very fast and had just overtook him less than 50 metres away. So he witnessed the whole accident. The bimmer driver was really very lucky to have escaped unscathed.It was also very lucky that noone was walking along that stretch of the pavement at that time. If it's earlier, there're usually quite many pple returning from jogging, or walking the dog, along that road. It'll be unimaginable if someone was there at the time the car crashed in!! Seriously, there'll be no chance of survival based on the condition of the crashed car.
Taking this opportunity to highlight to everyone. Elias Road, the stretch from Pasir Ris Dr 3 into the Pasir Ris Beach Park, has a lot of blind spots and sharp curves. This is already the 3rd accident we've witnessed after living here for merely 2 1/2 yrs. Many drivers go pretty fast, especially from the stretch where the road turns downhill, and they end up screeching all the way thru the S curve towards the end of the road. Any unfortunate miss and they'll end up like this bimmer driver. So please, if you're driving thru this road, keep yr speed down and be very alert. Do pass the words on.