Tuesday, 14 April 2009

Read and reflect monitor

Last Friday when I fetched him, he happily announced that he and another boy has been appointed as Read & Reflect Monitors! They'll be in charge of collecting and distributing story books to their classmates and ensuring that they don't repeat getting the same books.

According to the school newsletter, they are on a reading programme whereby every child is to borrow 2 books on even weeks for home reading. Then he has to reflect on the story and tell his parents how he feels about it and what he will do if he's one of the characters in the story. Sounds tough for a primary one kid huh? But this is part of the new STELLAR programme for English that has rolled out in some schools now.

So last evening after coming home, he happily whipped out the badge and showed us! He was so proud of himself and beaming so happily!

Son, we're proud of you too! Continue your hard work, be responsible, persevere and you'll shine!

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