Sunday 17 May 2009

Is he giving up?

I feel very sad just writing the title of this post. I really hope he's not. He's my strength to push on with him. pain...

last night we had dinner at Dr 6 coffee shop. While eating, Dad asked if we could go to the clinic to get more painkillers from Dr Lau. Apparently he's getting the pain in his thigh again lately, especially at night and it's disturbing his sleep. Told him we had to wait till Monday as Dr Lau has to be the one to sign the prescription and not the other doctors.

Mum asked why his pain is not going off? while we explained to her, dad suddenly said, "哎呀,算了啦。最好是可以睡了就不再起来,这样最好了。"!!!! I was shocked, but mum seemed calm? She just softly said, "娃娃还没有生叻,还有弟弟还没有读完大学叻。"(娃娃 is referring to my newly-wedded niece, while 弟弟 is my nephew whom they raised fm bb just like their youngest son) I joined in and said, "不要乱讲啦,你还要抱曾孙啦。还要跟弟弟拍毕业照啊。你还有很多事还没做完啦!" He simply laughed it off...

I seriously dunno what this pain in his thigh is. Xray has showed nothing in his bones. But since the last visit to the NCC, and after what the doctors said, I'm wondering if there's some cancer cells in his lymphatic system around that area too that's causing him pain and discomfort. I seriously hope it is not.

Pray that he's fine, pray that he has lesser pain. But...who do I pray to? Maybe to my grandparents? Pray that they'll lessen his suffering and let him spend more time with us. Pray.............


爱你的姐姐 said...


tudigua said...

I believe he will overcome this problem. Let's pray for him!