Tuesday, 5 May 2009


Lung - 17x20mm increase to 20x22mm

Neck - left, 1-1.5cm, 3-0.5cm; right, 1-1cm

repeat CT scan on 21/7/09, doctor's appt 28/7/09.

doctor's words, "....have to consider his age and quality of life now......if symptoms are not affecting him badly, it's better to leave it alone first and monitor...I believe we have an understanding that it cant be treated, and treatments given were just to control the spread....to give treatment again may mean affecting his current quality of life...."



tudigua said...

Hope he get better. & i believe he can do it.
I love my him!

Huiqing said...

HoPe he GeT BeTtEr..JIayou.. You CaN dO iT!!!(srry..dunno wat to write. i don know wat to say)

Anonymous said...

hi, I am from M4M, have been reading your blog for quite some time. I knew about your dad's case. I was just thinking about you last night, wonder how's your dad doing... as you have not updated his condition for quite awhile. I lost my FIL to lung cancer also. Please take care.