Tuesday, 29 January 2008

I dunno what to say....

sometimes I ask myself, is this the norm? But it's been 2 yrs and I've been nagging till the cow comes home and still he's repeating it again and again and again..... Dh asked me why? is the work so difficult? It's not true, the work is not that difficult for him. He's average in the subject, but not that bad yet. So we could only 'blame' it on his slow writing. He's really slow in writing. Even copying also so slow. How am I gonna help him write faster? Go by the traditional way of rote learning? Or perhaps it's not the handwriting issue? Maybe it's just his attitude? It's getting so tough trying to help him get off all these bad habits. Quote fm someone on the forum, "Can I resign fm motherhood?" sigh...


Chawanmushi said...

Hi Kiwi
LOL ...nah ...motherhood is stuck for life I'm afraid LOL
It's frustrating ...I know ...just need to hang in there and just do what needs to be done. Maybe a 'carrot' at this stage may help him to write faster? :-)

mummytay said...

Hi there, thanks for yr encouraging words. gonna work out something with him after CNY. Hope it'll work for both of us. ;-)