Friday, 20 November 2009

Does it resemble?

Dad's favourite recliner chair

And the paper recliner we burnt for him. Does it resemble?

As per Taoist customary, we have prayer for Dad on 1st, 3rd, 5th and 7th week of his death at the crematorium. We usually will buy some paper offerings such as 'gold', 'silver' and 'hell notes' and burn for him.

Today is the 5th week, and we had the prayer as usual. We know he'll 'need' his favourite recliner, so we got him a replica. Cool right? Anything you want, they'll produce for you. We had, during his funeral, burnt mahjong set, DVD player, LCD TV, portable CD player, mobile phone, passport, air ticket, motorcycle, a 'Mercedes Benz' and a 3-storey house!! And 30 over huge bags of 'gold', 'silver' and hell notes. Nic joked that his 外公 is gonna be so rich that he can become a banker. haha...

Now we're just short of getting him his own private jet. hee...




Pauline Tan (3lilangels) said...

Hi Carol

Looking at your dad's favourite recliner brings back memories.. cos it was my dad's favourite too, his is in red and blue :(


Elaine said...

This is my dad's favourite recliner too. He watches TV, rest and nap in the recliner. When he's breathless and can't sleep well on the bed, he lies on the recliner to rest. So, seeing this let me think of my parents.

mummytay said...

Pauline and Elaine, sorry to bring back yr memories. So it seems like this recliner is quite popular with the old folks. Maybe one day we'll need one ourselves too. haha..