Wednesday, 27 February 2008
I'm sooooo tired
And then, my dad has been giving me another set of headaches. I dun think he did it on purpose, but he's been watching so much of those Chinese 'dong dong chiang' wayang this whole week!!?? and of all times, he must watch in the afternoon when I'm doing revision and practices with the kids! Dun he realise it's exam week? I just dun understand. After so many years, they never change. During those days when I was schooling, it was the same thing. TV was forever on. They didnt care whether exam or not exam. They continued to blast the TV and totally not concerned whether I could focus or not. And now they're doing it again, albeit at a lower volume. It really gives me migraine you know?
If it had been 10yrs ago, I would hv showed my frustration and made him switch it off already! But I've mellowed so much, probably bcos of aging also la. I've learned to be more tolerating and patience, esp towards my folks. Afterall, they're getting old and after being stubborn for 70+yrs, how to expect any changes? Just hv to look at the brighter side lor and think of the happy moments with them.
Seriously, I dun dislike my folks. I love them very very dearly and I cant imagine how I will feel losing them one day. And I know they love me and my siblings too. It's just their habits that I cant tahan at times. I realise I've become really really naggy after they moved in with me. And I'm not liking it at all. It can really be very tiring having to deal with 2 old folks and 3 kids in a household. Sometimes I dun even hv anytime to myself in a day!! Can u imagine, I dun even hv the freedom to not talk for a day! Where's my life?? haiz...
Thursday, 21 February 2008
never knew hamsters whistle, till we brought them home. So cute! Little furballs! Boys hv named them after The Chipmunks! The chubbiest one is Theodore, the smallest one is Simon and the last one is Alvin. I cant really differentiate which is which, but they can.
It's fun to hv pets at home. At least the kids spend their free time fussing over the pets instead of fussing over gameboys/PS2 etc. Hopefully their passion for their pets will last a long time.
Monday, 18 February 2008
New pets
hmm...I'm now wondering will the hamsters end up being Mummy's pets instead? I'm also getting worried for the terrapins. Will they be forsaken once the active little ones come into the household? New pets, old pets, the boys better take care of all their pets!!
cough cough cough...
Sunday, 17 February 2008

Couple of good frens came over last night and we had a good time eating and chatting again! Since it's a small group, what's better than homecooked meal right? So I baked roast pork, chicken midjoint wings, chilli and non-spicy otah and helper fried yeefu noodles. Got GG's helper to cook her really delicious sayur lodeh and we bought the ready-made lontong fm Sheng Siong. Not very many dishes, but that was enough to make all of us burp! haha...
And after eating all these sinful, coconut laden food, we didn't forget our traditional loh-hei! Too bad, we were too engross in trying to 'loh' our luck and wealth higher and higher that we forgot to take any pictures. year again ok?
Once again my dear frens, it was nice to have you all over again. So sad 'I' couldn't join us this time. The kids really enjoyed themselves, tho not long enough. Thanks for keeping this out-of-touch mummy with what's happening in town ya? Forgot to share with u, I was so shock and lost when I went to Raffles City few days ago! So many changes in such short time! Aiyo, I'm really becoming 'dai-hiong-lei*' already! haha...
* Cantonese for country bumpkin
Friday, 15 February 2008
Do I still need girls?
The 3 boys have a teddy each and they sleep with them every night. The teddies get to follow them on family vacations too! This one in the pic belongs to ds1. ds3 has 2 beanie dogs too. He has a plastic 'CARS' box which he used as a 'bed' for the beanie dogs, while his teddy will sleep with him on his bed. He loves to use his hand towels as blankets for the soft toys and will really tuck them in nicely before he goes to bed.
Such sweet boys!
PS: make a guess! What has become teddy's pillow? hee...
Wednesday, 13 February 2008

It's a sad day for the kids today. Their pet terrapin, Shadow, has passed away.
He was our last addition to the 'family' of 3 terrapins in late Dec. But since we transferred them to our new water feature last mth, he's been in distress. Notice the poor fellow not eating since a week ago and slowly he became weaker and weaker, and his shell softened. Finally he gave up and 'left' us in the middle of last night.
Boys were pretty upset, esp ds2. He, being the emotional baby, was sobbing so sadly. He offered his precious little plastic box (which he used to catch spiders) as Shadow's 'coffin'. He even wrote 'RIP Shadow' on the box. And ds1 cut and placed some flowers in the box to 'send' Shadow off. When ds3 came home after cc, we brought the box to the nearby canal and let it drift away.
Rest in peace, Shadow...
PS: ds2 so funny! After the 'burial', he asked me when's the ghost month!? Bcos he wants to go drop some terrapin food at the spot we 'buried' Shadow for him!!!?? cute la!
Tuesday, 12 February 2008
and never did I know that a 12yo boy can still be so manja!? He's been bugging me to sit by his side, hold his hand, pat him to sleep, etc etc. Aiyo, headache leh! But also heartwarming to know that he still needs me la. Wonder how long more he'll need me. ha...
Now I'm hoping his fever will gradually drop till stabilise. Mummy wants to go party tonight leh? If he doesn't stabilise then I'll hv to skip the dinner gathering liao. sian...
Monday, 11 February 2008
I'm drained....
was casually telling dh that maybe we shd trying going away for CNY for once. Just to run away fm all these mad rush. hee...but I know I cant la. My parents will sure give me FACE to see for dunno how long.
think i'm getting old also. body not taking all these running around well already! haha....
Happy Chinese New Year to all!!
Monday, 4 February 2008
Migraine...I hate you!
was ok yesterday until I started preparing the dough for cookies. Dunno where it crept up fm? usually with cool, rainy weather, I never get such problem, but this time it just creeps up slowly and stayed...
Tried to relax as much as I could and popped two pills in the evening. Went out to visit his godparents and had dinner out. Came home, it was still lingering around. Thot a shower will 'chase' it away, but boy I was wrong! It got worse and I was 'forced' to retire early to bed.
Woke up this morning sleepy but no pain. Thot it's gone and I cld finish off my marketing today. Doze off at the sofa after sending dh to MRT and when I woke up after 30mins, the damn migraine came back again!!! arrrrggghhh........
jus popped another 2 pills and hopefully it'll go off soon. I hate migraine! It just retards my whole body and I cant do anything. Yet I hv so much undone prior to CNY. Now i'm feeling sensitive to light. Really wish my whole house is light proof at this very moment. sigh...