Friday, 3 October 2008

are all old pple like that?

jus overheard my parent's mini 'squabbling' again. Dad woke up fm his nap at the sofa. Saw Mum's quilting fabrics at the other side of the sofa, and casually asked, "what are the fabrics doing there?" Mum got so sensitive and started raising her voice!? "I was just arranging them in order, what has it got to do with you? Some fabric on the sofa, got in yr way meh? Your eyes cant even bear a tiny little dirt ah!" ???!!! Dad went silent....

I'm wondering, are all old folks like that? or is it my mum? her temper seems to be getting worse these days. And the most upsetting thing is, she's taking it out on Dad. Her poor hearing does not help either. Sometimes Dad tries to tell her something, she'll 'mis-hear' it and start arguing with him. Then when she's unhappy with anything that we (the children) do, she 'dare' not tell us off, but grumble to my Dad instead. Just feel so unfair for Dad. There he is, cant bear to see her worry and decided not to let her know the truth about his illness, then has to take all these nonsense fm her.'s so unfair.

anyway, there's just no way to change my Mum. She's been so stubborn since the day I understand things. I've grown up wondering why she's not like other mothers. I've tried explaining and talking sense to her, with her always 'agreeing' to my explanations. But in the end, she still stick to her own viewpoint. I'm beginning to give up explaining things to her, or showing her more objective views. I thot I'm stubborn, but she's many times more than me. sigh...

but then again, if it's someone outside of the family that tells her something, she'll believe it 101%!? funny hor? but that's just my Mum lor.


Agnes Tan said...

Oh. My. GAWD!!!!! You describe my mum PERFECTLY!!!!!! *piaking my forehead*

* HI 5!!!!*


mummytay said...

Agnes, looks like all mothers are the same hor? aiyo, we better prep ourselves and not become like that next time!! haha...