Dad had his 2nd dose of chemotherapy yesterday. Can feel that he's more relaxed this round. Probably he's more prepared and knows what to expect already. We even had mee siam before going up to the treatment suite. He said this 2nd dose seems 'smoother' than the 1st one. He didn't feel any pain or burning sensation when the drug was administered. In fact he managed to take a quick nap! That was something positive right? After the treatment, we had lunch out with Mum and Drew. Dad could finish the whole bowl of Teochew fish porridge which I ordered for him. Glad that his appetite is still ok. He had a nap in the afternoon and didn't had any side effects at all.
This morning he only woke up around 8am. He told me that he has removed the wedge cushion last night and managed to sleep thru the night without any cough. Looks like the water retention in his right lung has subsided. Good news! Having had a good night's rest, Dad was so energetic and happy today. Eldest sis and 3rd sis came to have lunch with us. Dad managed to finish 3/4 plate of chicken rice and half cup of coffee. Seeing him so energetic and good appetite, we also felt relieved. In the afternoon, he didn't nap much as he didn't feel tired. He even ate the ondeh ondeh and kueh kosui which I bought fm Bengawan Solo. He happily told me that he believe the medicine is working effectively, that's why his cough has reduced and he's not feeling lethargic. Let's hope he's right.
Pray, pray, pray for a miracle to happen! I pray for him to live a few more years to witness Char's wedding and Seth's graduation. Pray............
Glad that he is doing well ..... you take care too.
Great to know that your dad is responding well to chemo :-)
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