Last week was a rest week for Dad's chemotherapy cycle. Initial few days he was still having quite a bit of water retention, esp on his feet. They were so swollen and he had problem walking properly. His appetite was bad and he felt tired and had chills.
By Tue/Wed, his water retention subsided and he was more energetic. He could walk around more freely and had lesser problem walking up the stairs. Yesterday bro fetched them to town. It's been nearly a month since Dad went to the temple. He must hv missed his flowers and plants there so much.
His appetite also returned, but it's like one meal he'll be able to eat better, then the next meal he'll only have a beverage and bread/biscuits. Didn't want to force him bcos I know he will eat if he is up to it. Like the last 3 days, he's been eating quite well. Had chicken rice on Sat, Henghua food on Sun and 'kway chap' today!
The tiring part is having to constantly remind Mum not to nag so much at Dad. She's doing it out of concern, but it just irritates Dad. Just got to keep talking to her and reminding her.
Tomorrow Dad will be going for his doctor's appointment. If his blood test results are ok, he'll start his 2nd cycle on Wed. Keeping my fingers and toes crossed that all is well.
Oh, he just had his hair cut this afternoon. So neat and tidy, and he still look good despite losing quite a lot of weight.
Pray that he'll be able to take the 2nd cycle as well as the 1st.
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