Monday, 28 July 2008


PSLE Prelim is just 21 days away and my dear Drew is still so relaxed, so nonchalant and so happy-go-lucky. I wonder when his luck is gonna run out!? He's a smart boy and grasps whatever he's taught very quickly. But his lack of focus is gonna pull him down if he doesn't work on it. I've done whatever I can. Nag, counsel, scold, psycho, threaten......whatever you can think of. If only he would 'wake up' now and put in the extra effort to revise and push himself that extra step forward, he'll do well. but.......


now hub is making them read to him in the study. they'll only sit up straight when their father starts talking very seriously. He's still the one they fear even tho he never cane or discipline them, and always playing a fool with them. Guess they've found my weakness and knows how to play around it to get their way out of any disciplinary action fm me. But when hub gets serious, they know it's no time for fun.

the number of grey hair on my head is increasing fast. so fast I cant even cover it with hairdye fast enough! faint!

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