Feeling so exhausted. Seemed so busy last few days. Monitoring Dad's fever and thankfully it subsided pretty quickly and he's feeling better now after using the wedge cushion to sleep the last few days. His cough is lesser and 'shorter' too. But his appetite is still so-so and weight seems to be going down still. Tomorrow he'll be going for the 2nd dose of the chemo cycle. Pray that his body will take it as well as the 1st dose.
Kids are still so nonchalant about their school work. Looks like I got to start the total ban on their games again! They're running so short of time but not kancheong at all. Or are they stressed out that they choose to ignore the timeline? hmm...whatever it is, I think I still have to put more pressure on them. Rather they suffer now, than to suffer the results of their attitude later.
Feeling so lethargic. Better go pop my multivits and ginseng tea. I CANT AFFORD TO FALL SICK!!!! Not at least till after Oct.....sad hor?
Carol, does ur dad drink milk? When i was having treatment and not much of an appetite, i used to drink packet milk which my onco nurse gave me. They are available in the pharmacy at L1. The cheaper brand ones are nicer IMHO and they come in diff flavours.
hi tweetybird, thanks for yr suggestion. Yes, the nurse gave us some samples and I've given my dad a couple of times. But he still prefers to alternate with his coffee. Well, like what my kids' godma said, just like him eat/drink whatever he wants la. So we alternate betw coffee, milk and cereal for him.
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