Tuesday, 15 July 2008

Nice to hear them squabbling again

Ya, sounds funny right? But in time like this, it's always nice to hear Dad and Mum squabbling over trivial matters again. This means Dad is fine! hee...

Dad's pain lasted about 2 days and it subsided by Sunday afternoon. The hot pack helped in soothing his pain. But he was still lethargic and not much appetite. Bro bought Henghua noodles and stew tofu for him and he ate about 3/4 soup bowl of a mixture of the two. In the evening, he only wanted sweet potato soup. When Mum came back around 9plus, she insisted that he ate something else before he slept. So I made him the multigrain cereal that sis bought and gave him a slice of bread to go with it.

Dad said the whole Saturday night, Mum was fussing over him. Everytime he woke up to go toilet, she'll get up and walk behind him!! Guess she's really worried that he might fall down. Poor her, cant even rest properly.


Anonymous said...

i have been reading your blog once in awhile, and praying for a miracle healing for your dad and peace in the family, especially for your mum. hang in there. you may want to consider breaking the news gently to your mum, she is already worried and suspecting. perhaps she is ready to accept the truth and gather the courage and strength to fight the disease together with her husband, to be his support. i am not sure. but if i were to face the same thing with my partner, i will want to know the truth so i will know how to care for my partner, to pray, etc. jmo.

BeLive said...

Yes, know what you mean. Sometimes, some noises in the house must be heard all the time ;)

mummytay said...

hi anonymous, thank you for yr suggestion. But knowing my Mum, it is better to keep the truth fm her. In fact, she's guessing but we still respect Dad's wish of not telling her. She's a very negative person. It's so bad that when she had gall stones, she already said she's dying!!? So if she knows the truth, she'll start preparing for the worse rather than giving Dad any support. Thanks for yr concern anyway.